(for Aza)
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
A life for a life.
I do not know if God is so exacting, so measured
As to require these things.
I do not know if the universe needs balance, or if it is simply
An imperfect fulcrum, the long weight of the world wobbling on top.
I do not know many things, such as why the moment you were born
She began to die.
Across many miles, the cords of death entangled her
While your father cut the cord that brought you life.
Someplace else,
Her light began to fade as yours grew stronger.
You were her final creation—
Son of her son, born facing forward as she died looking back.
An impossible Janus, you faced each other and exchanged breath—
The strength of the one feeding the other, until life herself
Swelled like a woman’s belly, like a heart that is too big to last
In this world of ours, the world she left as you arrived.
Forward and back, from A to Z and A again,
A name for a name,
A life for a life,
A breath for a breath.
A mother now gone, yet living still
In the face of the boy she never held.